Sales Representative wanted immediately: APPLY HERE
South Africa
Sales Representative (Cape Town – South of Pretoria/Johannesburg – North)
NB Publishers has a vacancy for an energetic salesperson to represent their quality books. This position will be based in either Cape Town or Gauteng at the sole discretion of NB Publishers, and will report to a sales manager or key account manager.
Responsibilities include:
selling to the book trade, developing customer bases in niche market categories and ensuring optimum sales;
identifying new sales outlets in traditional and non-trade markets;
establishing and maintaining good relations with customers;
ensuring that our books are always well stocked and prominently displayed in retail outlets;
reaching sales targets; and
providing thorough feedback on sales achieved, consumer trends identified within the trade as well as ideas for new products.
The successful candidate
has a sound knowledge of books and the book industry.
is an excellent communicator with good interpersonal skills.
is fluent in speaking and writing both English and Afrikaans.
must be highly organized and disciplined.
must be able to work independently and without supervision – pro-active, takes initiative, self-motivated.
has creative problem-solving skills, out-of-the-box thinking.
has sound computer skills and would be able to utilise an extensive database of sales statistics.
must be available for travel.
has a valid driver`s licence.
Previous sales experience in a book-selling environment and knowledge of BookMaster will
serve as a recommendation.
The position offers
the opportunity to be part of a vibrant and creative team;
a competitive remuneration package; and
retirement and medical aid benefits.
Applications are to be done at the following link:
Applications close on 6 October 2019
Applicants who have not received a reply within two weeks of the closing date may assume that their application has been unsuccessful.
NB Publishers reserves the right not to fill this position at this time should a suitable candidate not be found. View for more information on NB Publishers.
Verkoopsverteenwoordiger (Kaapstad – Suid of Pretoria /Johannesburg – Noord)
NB-Uitgewers het ’n vakature vir ’n energieke persoon wat hul boeke kan verteenwoordig. Die
persoon sal in Kaapstad of Gauteng gebaseer wees na goeddunke van NB-Uitgewers en sal aan
’n verkoopsbestuurder of sleutelrekeningbestuurder rapporteer.
Verantwoordelikhede sluit in:
Verkoop aan boekhandelaars, ontwikkel ’n klantebasis in nismarkte en behaal maksimum
Identifiseer nuwe afsetpunte in tradisionele en nietradisionele markte.
Vestig en handhaaf goeie verhoudinge met klante.
Verseker dat handelaars altyd voorraad van ons boeke het en prominente rakspasie daaraan
Behaal verkoopsteikens.
Gee deeglike terugvoer oor verkope en verbruikerstendense wat geïdentifiseer is in die
handel, asook idees vir nuwe produkte.
Die suksesvolle kandidaat
het ’n grondige kennis van boeke en die boekbedryf;
beskik oor goeie kommunikasie- en interpersoonlike vaardighede;
skryf en praat sowel Engels as Afrikaans vlot;
werk georganiseerd en gedissiplineerd;
kan onafhanklik en sonder toesig werk – is selfgemotiveerd en proaktief en neem inisiatief;
kan probleme kreatief oplos en vernuwend dink;
is rekenaarvaardig en kan ’n uitgebreide databasis van verkoopstatistiek benut;
is beskikbaar om te reis;
het ’n geldige bestuurslisensie.
Vorige ondervinding van boekverkope en kennis van BookMaster sal ’n aanbeveling wees.
Die pos bied
die geleentheid om deel te wees van ’n dinamiese en kreatiewe span
’n mededingende vergoedingspakket
aftree- en mediesefondsvoordele
Gebruik die volgende skakel om aansoek te doen:
Aansoeke sluit op 6 Oktober 2019
Aansoekers wat twee weke ná die sluitingsdatum nog nie ’n antwoord ontvang het nie, kan
aanvaar dat hulle aansoek nie suksesvol was nie.
NB-Uitgewers behou hom die reg voor om die pos nie nou te vul indien ’n geskikte kandidaat nie gevind word nie. Besoek vir meer inligting oor NB-Uitgewers.
Apply Now
Source: Indeed