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Electrical Foreman required immediately: APPLY HERE

Electrical Foreman

Electrical Foreman required immediately: APPLY HERE


Skakeling en koördinering van alle werk met kliënte, kontrakteurs en ander interne belanghebbendes, deur middel van die opstelling van kwotasiedokumentasie en beramings, kwotasies inwin, bestellings plaas, betalings asook volledige rekordhouding behartig;
Verrig inspeksies, fout opsporing, herstelwerk, en toetsing van toerusting;
Algemene bestuur, insluitend die identifisering van risiko aspekte, toepassing van beroepsgesondheid- en veiligheidsvereistes, nakoming van nasionale boustandaarde, asook die beleid en prosedures van die Universiteit;
Verhoudingsbestuur, insluitend die bevordering en instandhouding van goeie werksverhoudinge en vennootskappe met interne kliënte en kontrakteurs, asook die bevordering van Fasiliteitsbestuur se beeld binne sowel as buite die Universiteit;
Verseker elektriese veiligheid en nakoming van elektriese reëls en regulasies op die volledige laag spanning elektriese netwerk.

Liaising and coordinating all work with clients, contractors and other internal stakeholders by way of preparing quotation documents and estimates, calling for quotations, placing orders, making payments, as well as keeping complete records;
Performing relevant inspection, fault-finding, testing and commissioning activities;
General management, including identifying risk aspects, applying occupational health and safety measures, national building standards, the University’s policy and procedures;
Relations management, including the promotion and maintenance of good working relations and partnerships with internal clients and contractors, as well as promoting the image of Facilities Management both inside and outside the University;
Ensuring electrical compliance and safety of the complete low votage electrical network.

Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes

‘n N3 of gelykwaardige kwalifikasie in elektriese ingenieurswese;
‘n Geslaagde erkende ambagstoets;
Minstens vyf jaar se toepaslike ervaring;
Vaardighede in Microsoft Office;
Bewese mondelinge en skriftelike kommunikasievaardighede;
Goeie leierseienskappe;
‘n Bogemiddelde vermoë om goeie menseverhoudinge te bevorder en in stand te hou met kollegas, kliënte en ander belanghebbers;
Die vermoë om kollegas te motiveer, van raad te kan bedien, leiding te kan gee en aan te spoor tot beter dienslewering;
Die vermoë om in spanverband te kan funksioneer;
`n Geldige kode B-rybewys

An N3 or equivalent qualification in electrical engineering;
A successfully completed, recognised trade test;
At least five years’ relevant experience;
Proficiency in Microsoft Office;
Proven written and verbal communication skills;
Good leadership qualities;
An above-average ability to promote and maintain good human relations with colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders;
The ability to motivate colleagues, to offer advice, provide leadership and inspire them to provide better service delivery;
The ability to function within a team;
A valid Code B driver’s licence.


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